Based on article 5, section 1 from the Führer's decree from October 12, 1939 (Journal of Laws of the German Reich I, 2077*) I decree:
Article 1
In the regulation about the restrictions of the length of stay in the General Government from September 13, 1940 (Journal of Laws of the GG I, p. 288) with the amendments made by the second regulation concerning the restrictions of the length of stay in the General Government from April 29, 1941 (Journal of Laws of the GG, p. 288) after section 4a, we introduce section 4b:
1. Jews, who leave their designated district without official permission, are subject to the death penalty. The same penalty refers to those who are consciously hiding Jews.
2. Instigators and helpers are subject to the same penalty as the culprit; an attempted act will be treated as a realized one.
3. The sentencing will be conducted by Special Courts.
Article 2
This regulation comes into force the day it is proclaimed.
Governor General,
Hans Frank
*A publication of legal acts