Telephonogram from the Chief of the Main Security Bureau of the Third Reich, Rudolph Heydrich, to the heads of Security Police operations about the subsequent stages and methods of the "final solution to the Jewish question," Berlin, September 21, 1939. Telephonogram.
Note the style - the original used only passive voice and impersonal phrases.
To Chiefs of all Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police
Subject: The Jewish Question in Occupied Territory
I refer the conference held in Berlin today, and again point out that the planned total measures (i.e., the final aim – Endziel ) are to be kept strictly secret. [...]
For the time being, the first prerequisite for the final aim is the concentration of the Jews from the countryside into the larger cities.
This is to be carried out speedily.
In doing so, a distinction must be made
1. Between the zone of Danzig and West Prussia, Poznan, Eastern Upper Silesia, and
2. The other occupied zones.
As far as possible, the areas referred to under 1) are to be cleared of Jews; at least the aim should be to establish only few cities of concentration.
In the areas under 2) as few concentration centers as possible are to be set up, so as to facilitate subsequent measures. In this connection it should be born in mind that only cities, which are rail junctions, or are at least located on railroad lines, should be selected as concentration points. [...]